In Drupal views are used to display the content , images etc.. to the users. Views has the own default template , to create the custom template.
In the Edit mode of views page , click on the Theme Information in the Basic settings block, in this block the theme information will listed in order like Display Output, Style output , Row Style Output and the View-view.tpl.php will be enabled by default. To enable your custom temple, Go the views module directory and navigate to the View-> theme folder and copy the View-view.tpl.php to your custom themes in sites/all/themes/custom themes directory and rename the View-view.tpl.php to views-view--frontage-top-content-slide.tpl.php (This is the name displayed in the theme information block next to the View-view.tpl.php ) and now clear the performance cache in the site configuration .Now the custom template would be activated and your start customizing the views in the views-view--frontage-top-content-slide.tpl.php in your custom theming directory
In the custom template we can use the our own HTML and CSS , to style the views and to access the data we can use the $row will return the raw sql result
to fetch the output use the following coding
$data = $row->{$field->field_alias}
Requirement :- Drupal